Friday, September 10, 2010

What's the Big Deal?

Hello out there in the land of the free..home of the once in a while brave. I say this because I am approaching almost a decade of being "down"..the vernacular in this place is all its own. As I've traversed this standstill societal time, it has been hard to see those outside falling quickly to the easy way out. And trust me here I am  faits accompli to this style of choice. I am not seeing much of what existed in Brokaw's "The Greatest Generation" meted out amongst us. Could be why he coined it so. Either way I search around into that change bag trying to find the heroes of yesteryear come through today. Certainly there are some I can not, due to my limited access to the world, find out about.

Of course I can get the run-of-the mill variety that CNN chucks at us. Skeptical there because their idea of hero worship is skewered and bias..I wonder why this is so? Should I be more attuned to liberalism? My older Big Bro would be at arms with me if I was to do so.

I am at a loss..why do we care if a mosque is built that could very well provide jobs to hundreds needing it? If our country was founded on religious freedom..which it was..if our country was founded on the right to choose...which it was..if out country was founded to release those in bondage to taxation without representation..which it the way are we allowing things of England into our society...things of the Orient? If so then what is the big deal? We look back on the Revolutionary War..World War 1 and 2...Korea...Vietnam..the list is not complete of course... Still I am as much a patriot as you can find, but, (and this is an important conjunction that'll wrap up the thoughts of this man's quandary) my Christianity goes well before all.

Folks that say they read the by it..swear by it, dare I say...and then pour millions into advocating some sacred ground stance that we are probably going to build countless of ungodly stores, movie houses, and fast food places enough to choke a pig..which I might add that I love me some bacon! It is tragic that a man feels the need to burn books to get attention to his cause...not I say HIS cause I can tell you that. We are to be loving, but to the extreme right amongst us, not naive either. You can take me out to the war torn zones of any nation other than the grand USA..and it is only here...should be only here, that those living within the confinement of religious persecution flee to have the right to choose whom they will serve.

I'll leave you all with this from the book of Joshua..."as for me and my house we will serve the LORD"

....later...dougie boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I do agree with you that we shouldn't be so hateful to those of the Muslim faith and that we need to speak the truth in love and even that this country needs to value religious freedom, I can also understand why people would be upset by the positioning of the mosque near "Ground Zero". I don't think we should hold Ground Zero as sacred or for only Christians, however, it was a place where muslim extremists murdered thousands of Americans. If they desire respect for their religious views (which they are entitled to), they should also be sensitive to the locale of where they choose to build a new be sensitive to the families of the victims of that tragedy. To them it is a slap in the face.

Now, do I think it is right for people to burn the Koran in protest?--absolutely NOT. I think we need to follow Paul's example in Acts 17:16-34 and speak the truth in love and some will turn and follow Christ.

However, although extremely misguided, I think that particular pastor might have been frustrated over the double-standard that he sees all around us. When they burned hundreds of Bibles in Afghanistan so as not to offend the Muslims there (instead of just shipping them back here to be distributed elsewhere), not a single Christian threatened to kill a Muslim in protest...there was barely any backlash at all. So I can understand the doublestandard he sees. He is not going about it the right way, but I can understand the frustration.

I also agree that there are much better uses of our time than protesting what other religions WITNESSING TO THE LOST. Our time is running out...let's not waste it arguing over logistics.
