Monday, December 30, 2013

Hello there my friends...

...I am writing this to you all in the midst of yet another CHRISTmas prison. Although not complaining of being punished for my sins,(Lamentations 3:39) I am, it seems more remorseful this particular time. Could be that I have 2 grandsons that I would so love to hug up and muffle up their little boy cheeks...could be that my son has been bereft of his father since he should've been loved up....could be that my sister Patti-Sue wants me out there shoveling snow....or that my bro Denniski could've used my help in that "Sherman House Debacle"...could be that Danny youngest bro...could've leaned on me as he battles his own addictive woes...or that Big Bro Dave could've used me as his playing partner in a myriad of golf tourneys that we might've either won or had him commit harry-carry on #'s 1thru 18 because of the soothing effect I always had on him. But my friends no matter how it is that I may see myself being in those capacities...fact is I'm not. In double digits for passing holidays, birthdays, weddings, and unfortunately funerals. I press on though because CHRIST whom dwells with me here in this CHRISTmas prison keeps me keeping on. I hope to one day do all those aforementioned things, as well visit the friends who have made this odyssey so much easier to bear: Chuck....Kim...Tara..Sophie the Six...Lisa. Even though it's been so many years since I last laid eyes on my beautiful bride..can't come to the ex hope for Rosemary thrives on. Alyosha, Perseus, and Micaela also are reserved in that heart of hearts where only grandpas and father-in-laws dare tread. I love you all this CHRISTmas season and on through the rest of years diligently spent hoping to assuage grief with the one day seeing of your faces...Praise GOD for HIS WONDERFUL SON....JESUS THE CHRIST..."For unto us this day a CHILD is born...."

....later....dougie boy