Sunday, February 20, 2011

Everyone is looking for JESUS

Sometimes in prison deep funks can overcome oneself and then you get kind of withdrawn away from everyone and thing. My Mom's passing put that to work recently and I wondered around here for a hot minute trying to remember her best attributes. That's why it's been so long since I last wrote--she has so many of them that I have went back in time to my little boyness all the way up until our last conversation. Interesting thing when you try hard to recall everything that was said. Was I kind? Did I tell her that I love her? Did I ask her about her instead of about me? Did I listen to her woes as she so often took mine in? And finally...did I learn all that she has been trying to teach me these 52 years? It's not that I'm racking my brain, or myself for wrongs committed in the name of Doug (heavens no..retribution would hold no quarter then) it's just that I could've done better had I made different choices along the way in my life when it concerned how went my relationship with the one whom reared me.
"In any given situation, we have a whole continuum of choices...ranging from really rotten choices, to the mediocrity of average choices, to choices that are good, and then to those that are excellent. GOD wants us to move across the continuum, past our natural impulses, all the way to excellent choices. Often it is challenging to make the most excellent choices..." (Daily Bread Feb. 18, 2011)

...obviously from whence I write this (gotta love that old English) my life's pick and choose methodology has well... sucked. But hopefully as I seek a more excellent lifestyle, the choices I make in the present will be forthcoming of my SAVIOR in my life.

This morning on the rec yard we had a good APAP(Accountability Partners Against Pornography for those not in the know) meeting. A few men braved the howling biting wind and cold--that's 35 degrees Tara (that's my editor who lives in Phoenix where she said 50 was killing her...a desert rat from Iowa no less)--we shared our falling downs and rising-ups. Most of us want, nay desire, to give a good report of our weekly actions. Still though what men deem as recreational activities in here would jaundice the eye of community centers everywhere. Just picture your wildest imagination of what men can do to each other, and then give it free range to enter into the insane zone.

I have been hot on preparing myself for the up coming softball season. Actually I have been gearing a lifestyle change as aforementioned. Dropped 8 pounds to date, and it's true..a lot harder to get it off later in life. As you may remember I am dedicating this season to Mommsy and Christina (the little second baseman from Tucson that was killed in that shooting). I hope to do them both justice on the field...and off.

It all has to do with being a good witness for JESUS. Every Christian knows he or she should witness for CHRIST, but most are reluctant to speak HIS NAME very often....fear of ridicule, or loss of prestige or position. One of the saddest rebukes that could come to a CHRISTian is the indictment lodged against those believers who, because of their high position refused to take an open stand for CHRIST. Philippians 2:5-8 sums up what should be going on in us 24/7..."Let the same mind be in you that was in CHRIST it out to get some of that on you! Check out Mark 1 while you're at it...right around verses 35-38...JESUS went to a solitary place to pray, and then HIS disciples searched for HIM. When they found HIM they told HIM that "everyone was looking for HIM." This is our posture of need in HIM--to be searching for communion with HIM, because no matter what the seductive lies Satan is telling you, everyone is looking for JESUS.

 I love you guys! Pray for all during most days...Psalm 103...

Later..dougie boy