Monday, December 30, 2013

Hello there my friends...

...I am writing this to you all in the midst of yet another CHRISTmas prison. Although not complaining of being punished for my sins,(Lamentations 3:39) I am, it seems more remorseful this particular time. Could be that I have 2 grandsons that I would so love to hug up and muffle up their little boy cheeks...could be that my son has been bereft of his father since he should've been loved up....could be that my sister Patti-Sue wants me out there shoveling snow....or that my bro Denniski could've used my help in that "Sherman House Debacle"...could be that Danny youngest bro...could've leaned on me as he battles his own addictive woes...or that Big Bro Dave could've used me as his playing partner in a myriad of golf tourneys that we might've either won or had him commit harry-carry on #'s 1thru 18 because of the soothing effect I always had on him. But my friends no matter how it is that I may see myself being in those capacities...fact is I'm not. In double digits for passing holidays, birthdays, weddings, and unfortunately funerals. I press on though because CHRIST whom dwells with me here in this CHRISTmas prison keeps me keeping on. I hope to one day do all those aforementioned things, as well visit the friends who have made this odyssey so much easier to bear: Chuck....Kim...Tara..Sophie the Six...Lisa. Even though it's been so many years since I last laid eyes on my beautiful bride..can't come to the ex hope for Rosemary thrives on. Alyosha, Perseus, and Micaela also are reserved in that heart of hearts where only grandpas and father-in-laws dare tread. I love you all this CHRISTmas season and on through the rest of years diligently spent hoping to assuage grief with the one day seeing of your faces...Praise GOD for HIS WONDERFUL SON....JESUS THE CHRIST..."For unto us this day a CHILD is born...."

....later....dougie boy

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Hello there you guys..

..although not sending out a blog about my LORD and SAVIOR JESUS in quite sometime, I still honor HIM in all things good...and a few bad. Because it is GOD who is able to make something good out of the bad on a pretty regular basis. HE'S done so in my life and HE can certainly do it in yours if you only look out for it. It's all around you! I offer up a Happy Thanksgiving Day to you all in hopes that family will gather fro a nice hearty meal and good times for all. Often if I can remember holidays held a certain amount of stress as we tried our best to make them "rightly" celebrated with all the trimmings and fixings of lore. But the facts are these: Just being able to hug up the little ones, the old ones. the middle ones...heck even the inanimate ones..and our very own beloved pets are the right kind of celebratory things which make everyday a veritable gift. Take it from a man who wants to hug something today..but he can't..because prison is so tough that if I make an effort...which those truly knowing me know I will anyway...some might misconstrue it for an other than friendly thing. But boo to those who can't rise above their ideological format and embrace humanity for the very love of it all. So pray for me today and the rest of my languishing as I wend my way about this incarceration spreading the Good News and trying to love up these hardened men who might not realize that a tree needs a hug too...later..

Galatians 6..

dougie boy

                                  HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Hi you guys!

Just a quick note to let you in on a little known fact....JESUS LIVES!! I am hoping for the best in all your endeavors in life. Even though here in prison, I am happier than most outside this razorwire. Tough to understand unless you know a thing or two about my SAVIOR. I love HIM and you all too! Please let me in on what's what in your lives as I am wanting to see after my friends as JESUS did for us...and died on this GOOD FRIDAY as well. HE lives forever more though so make no mistake about that and come and taste the LIVING WATER...Mark 15 will tell you all about it...


dougie boy

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hi guys!

First I will say that I definitely love you all...

As the New Year approaches our present enjoyment of GOD'S GRACE is apt to be checked by the memory of yesterday's sins and blunders. But GOD is the GOD of our yesterdays, and HE allows the memory of them in order to turn the past into a ministry of spiritual culture for the future..."GOD requireth that which is past." At the end of the year we turn with eagerness to all that GOD has for the future, and yet anxiety is apt to arise from remembering the yesterdays. Our yesterdays present irreparable things to us; it is true that we have lost opportunities which will never return (don't I know this right well), but GOD can transform this destructive anxiety into a constructive thoughtfulness for the future. Let the past sleep, but let it sleep on the bosom of CHRIST. Leave the Irreparable Past in HIS hands, and step out into the Irresistible Future with HIM.(Oswald Chambers) Please consider CHRIST this year for all the reasons that you may find yourselves considering so many other things without HIM.

As I truck along in this prison time I have discovered wonderful nuggets of truth that have me always in search of HIS standard for my life. I miss many things from the outside world, but mostly I miss the missed opportunities to be with loved ones...and hey that's a lot of misses in that sentence! Be free enough to laugh at yourself this year my friends because after all I'm locked up enough for all of us..and HE brings me daily joy...sometimes....often hearty laughter at my own ridiculousness. Ain't HE cool like that for you?

Isaiah 30 will be a good read today if you will take the time to see what's in it for you from our LORD and SAVIOR..JESUS the CHRIST..


dougie boy