Sunday, September 19, 2010

This Whole "About Me" Thing...

....although only GOD knows me better, I'll try to do it up for the blogites.

First I want to compose a type of pro/con...let's not be punny with the appellate.."con"...I felt this would be a unique way of seeing what was what, what has been, what could be...

 PROS                                                        CONS          

-little boy                                                   -thief
-brother                                                    -manipulator/abuser of little bros
-son                                                          -dishonorer of parents
-athlete                                                      -bully
-entrepreneur at 11                                   -used skills as magician to steal
-played sports                                           -got addicted  
    like nobody's business...                            like nobody's business...
-football/baseball/soccer/                          -stealing/pornography/sex/
-basketball/hockey/wrestled/                    -skipping school/marijuana/alcohol/
-volleyball/swimming/diving                      -drugs/cocaine/crack/gambling
-postal worker(imagine that)                     -armed bank robber
-painter/carpenter/                                    -inmate/felon/convict
     small business owner                           -non-believer...

thus ends what I used to be...

...and now as for those not knowing who delivered me from such derision I stand before you (well actually sitting) as a born again believer in the LORDSHIP of JESUS CHRIST. I mean look at all my crap! Who could deliver me from such shame, humiliation, and lostness? HE has taken time out to get to work on me when I called upon HIM...jail housing some could purport...that's okay to do...I've been in that true...but now after almost a decade behind bars I have seen HIM do marvelous things through me...around me...within me...without me. I know full well that a person is not what they do for a job, yet it is how we act on that we act with our loved we treat the stranger..the dark ones..the light ones..the little ones...the big ones..this is what makes us who we ultimately become. And CHRIST taught me in a mighty WAY where these interactions of ours on the daily grind prove whom we believe in.

So "about me" is this and much more..I hope to peak your interest to look see what the TRUE SAVIOR of this world is all about ...HE'S the one for me.

later in agape love..dougie boy...aka...prisoner unchained

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To GOD be the glory!
